Sunday 24 June 2012

Super-hero Sunday

Wow, do I suck at keeping to a schedule with this. Anywho...

The first thing you'll probably notice is the photos. I upgraded to a better camera/phone recently, so rather than the decent 3MP shots from before we now feature 5MP shots. Enjoy.

The true hero Gotham needs, but better than it deserves.
This fortnight's issue of the DC Chess Collection is Commissioner James Gordon. As with Ivy, he's a pawn as well. And, like Ivy, I don't see him as true pawn material. As one of Batman's most steadfast allies he should be in the back row, not up front with the rest of the fodder. That said, it's still an awesome-looking piece. Next issue we get Ra's al Ghul. At least HE'S not a pawn.

No caption needed.
So I finally, FINALLY got a Captain America MB figurine. I had all but given up on getting him when my local Gamestation ran out of Marvel MB "blind packs" (and by ran out, I mean I bought 90%+ of the damn things and ended up with more Hammer Drones than actual characters). It's a forgone conclusion that as Wolverine's the "ultra-rare" of Series 2, God will simultaneously disprove his own existence and disown Jesus before I see him on my shelf. Same with Green Goblin from Series One, and Silver Surfer from Series Three. The high point, at least, is that I now have three Avengers.

Some assembly required. Literally.
And finally, the newest winner of the "Most Epic Find In A Pound-Store" award is...
Off with the head of whoever took my mask!
...Mr Hal Jordan, Green Lantern of Sector 2814. Both he and Tomar-Re were hanging from a peg at my local Poundland. I got Hal (and his alright-ish axe construct accessory), and my buddy at Prime Of A Lifetime got the fish-guy.

Finding recognisable names at a discount store is enough of a win, but it becomes a bigger case of "HELL YES" when these figures come with their own Power Rings.

In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight.
Okay, so it's not big enough to fit the finger of anyone older than, say, 10. But still. It's a fucking GREEN LANTERN RING, dammit. It'll do me until I get my hands on a Sinestro Corps ring, anyway.

Well, that's it for now. Next weekend's post will feature Ra's al Ghul's chess piece incarnation, and a possibility of Aquaman. You've been warned.

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Forever Red

Again, this is why I love charity shops. My childhood lives again. :D

Original. Best.
Jason Lee Scott, aka Mighty Morphin' Red Ranger. I just about squee'd when I found him in a 99p bin at my local Salvation Army. He's now sitting on my black corner unit, and I still squee internally every time I look over at it. First it was Batman, then MMPR, THEN Marvel, THEN Transformers. And now it's slowly becoming Green Lantern. But MMPR - the ORIGINAL cast - are an epic find, regardless.

It's morphin' time!

Epic Weekend Haul 01-03 June 2012

Wow, this is long overdue. Anywho...

In the inaugural "Epic Haul" post, we have a few Batman chess pieces, a few Megabloks additions, and the awesome finds I scored from Skelmorlie's annual Jumble Sale.

Firstly, the Bat stuff:

Poison Ivy
Ivy's a pawn in this set; personally I could see her as a rook, as I don't think she's pawn material. Vines and all. Since Harley Quinn (unreleased as of this post) is set to be Joker's "Queen", that leaves only Rook or Bishop for ol' Pam.

"The Dark Knight Returns" Batman
 The first of the "alternate Kings" is the Dark Knight himself. I've never read TDKR, and my first exposure to this costume was the DLC pack for Arkham City. I hated the skin in AC, but I like how the chess piece turned out. Now, if only they'd do one for Sinestro Corps Batman... (they won't :'( )

"The Dark Knight Returns" Joker
Again, never read TDKR. But if I'm honest, he doesn't seem to have "aged" noticeably. Aside from facial expressions and outfits, I see no difference between this Joker and "classic" Joker (the purple suit). Still awesome, though.

And now, iz Jumble tiem!1

Unexpected-yet-epic find.
This is a Brute. Helmet-and-weaponless, but still a Brute. According to Google Images, he's from some sort of "VISR" series. Never having properly played any of the Halo series, I can't comment. If anyone has any further info on him, I'd be very appreciative.

One down, six to go...
A shout-out goes to my friend over at Prime Of A Lifetime for this little gem. Outside of Japan, these are stupidly impossible to find. Which annoys me, 'cause I wants me the rest of my Porunga, dammit. Silver linings and all that, though. While most "Gacha" balls only have a single figurine inside, these have/had miniature set pieces from the Namek Saga. Such as the one below.

"I thought you'd be taller."
Oh Frieza. The first serious threat to Goku and co., hacked to bits by some punk kid from the future (oops spoiler alert).

Best. Find. EVER.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you a mostly-intact G1 Smokescreen. He has no roof or doors, but DOES have a body at least; most of which is made of metal. This guy bumps my Dragon Ball off the post of Most Epic Find of Jumble Sale '12.

And now, some Lego-I mean, Megabloks.

The army grows...
Series 4 of the Halo MB set has been around for a bit, but up until recently I resisted the urge to grab some. Then, like the weak sack of human I am, I caved. At this rate I'll have more Covenant than UNSC. Feh. Welcome, alien overlords!

"Stealth" Spider-Man.
That's right. Stealth. Ignore the Day-Glo green lines of my Tron-wannabe Spider-suit. I'm STEALTHY- oh balls. *shot*

Side-note: how the hell many uses can one accessory have?! Stay tuned and find out, true believers...

At least it's not a damned whip. Or a "flame".
 Apart from the money-bag (which only serves to highlight his profession as a bank robber - 'cause no self-respecting fan would know this guy at all), I like this guy. Especially his mace-hand.

And now for something different...
"In ze Munich Circus I vas known as know vat? Forget it."
Nightcrawler! Little-known fact: he's my second-favorite X-Man (Wolverine first, duh). This guy has the top of his left thumb missing, but is in otherwise perfect condition. For £1.99, you bet your pointy tail I'm snagging this awesome blue teleporter.

Well, that's it. Sorry for the wait, but between E3 (DEAD SPACE 3 IS COMING! EEEEEEEEEEEE! :D ) and trying to ID the Brute (first guess was a Locust, believe it or not), well... yeah.
