Wednesday 30 May 2012

This Day Just Keeps Getting Better...

If part of your room didn't look like this at one point, you had no childhood.
Finds like this are why I love charity shops. A full-size garbage bag full of Lego, Megabloks, and various other bits and pieces including...
Robot Heroes Rat-trap
...this guy. I never got the chance to get a full-size version of him way back when, and once the Robot Heroes disappeared from Tesco I figured I never see ANY of them again. So yeah. Today is full of win.

Now buzz off. I have ships an' guns an' crap to build. =P

Dead Space 3 All But Confirmed

Yes, yes, YES.

I don't care if it turns out to be Resident Evil 5: Space Edition, I don't care if Isaac dies at the end, I don't even care if it all turns out to be some half-assed fever dream of an over-worked engineer. I'm just SO. HAPPY. :D

Not much detail beyond what rumors/"facts" have been floating around already, but here is what got me all SQUEE-like.

Man, I love Wednesdays.

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Meet The Crew

Say hello to the current members of my collection. I've been building this up for quite a while...

My Robot Army, Part I

My Robot Army, Part II
  My living room hosts my "bookshelf" (all the original contents of which [i.e. books] have since been moved to my bedroom) and 98% of my collectibles. The top two shelves belong to my Transformers collection, 60-plus-percent of which is dominated by the movie lines. The top shelf holds my Leader classes (Ironhide and Sentinel Prime) and the majority of my movie toys (such as all my Legends and, for the moment, the only Voyagers in my collection). The second shelf holds my Deluxe classes as well as anything from the Prime line. Also sports a l'Cie sticker. Just because.
Some assembly required. Get it? 'Cause...y'know what, nevermind.
 The third shelf holds the Megabloks section. While Megabloks shamelessly rip off Lego in the block department, the one thing they DO trump them on is articulation and detail in their figurines. Might be 'cause they're meant for a slightly more mature audience (as in kids old enough to not pop an arm off of a Covenant grunt and swallow/choke on it). Either way, their Marvel/Halo lines are bad-ass enough to warrant my picking them up for my shelf. Now if only they'd bring out a DC line. Speaking of which...
Clobberin' Time in Gotham. Or not.
I have a standing subscription/agreement thing with my local newsagent for the DC Chess Collection. Or should I say the Batman Chess Collection (the official site bills this as Series 1. Series 2 better be the Justice League, OR ELSE. Godsdamnit, I want a Hal Jordan chess piece. And a Sinestro one, too). Anywho, these guys have pride of place on the black corner unit next to my big wooden shelf. Thing's there because he can be. Because he's Ben Everlovin' Grimm. Ares Armor Kratos and Dark Odyssey Kratos are self-explanatory. Would YOU defy the God Of War? (Special Guest Star: Optimus Prime 3D-Movie-Mask.)
Greetings, Programs.
I stumbled on these purely by accident, but I am so glad I did. The only thing cooler would be figures from the original film. Rinzler and Clu were on sale in a model shop in Glasgow (£5 each) so I figured, why the hell not, right?
Filler. Ish.
Most. Epic. Crossover. EVER.

Our final exhibits are my "randoms" shelf and my "other movies" shelf, respectively. Both bobbleheads were found/donated by a very good friend of mine (he knows who he is), as was the BK Ironhide. Three of the Hot Wheels are from movies, the other two are (in my mind) connected to two of the movie cars. I'm weird like that. Also dragons.

So, there you have it. Transformers are taking a slight "back seat" until they release Wave 2 of the Prime line over here (and considering how long we had to wait for Wave 1, I expect to be married and a grandfather by the time we get Wave 2), so expect mostly...well, anything but Transformers.

Manifesto. Or something.

If you've found me before I've even given out the link to this thing, then you truly have no life. Which is sad.

Welcome, one and all, to yet another toy/movie/tv/videogame fan-blog. I know, the Internetz is full of them, why do we need another, blah blah etc. This one's different, though. How, you ask? It's mine. And that's all that matters.

Some (alright, maybe like two or three of you) will know me on Twitter as GhostlyToast (formerly InverseReality), the seldom-tweeting pic-poster with the Space Core avatar. Those people will know what to expect (one or two of you might be surprised at the content or level thereof). For those who don't, here's what's on the menu:

Toys/Collectibles: Pics, opinions, wishlists, and "oh-Gods-why" moments. Most of these will be centered around Transformers, Marvel (Movieverse, Iron Man & Avengers primarily), and DC (Batman and Green Lantern primarily), with anything else that catches my eye joining it. Note: this includes, but is not limited to, memorabilia from Tron, Star Trek, Star Wars, and various video game franchises. You've been warned.

Media: Films and/or TV I've seen recently. Also games. I WILL sometimes include spoilers, but only where relevant to the post. I'll also, y'know, put a warning up and all.

Rants: Rant titles will be prefaced with the acronym STFA (Stay The Fuck Away). If something pisses me off enough (looking at YOU, person-who-recently-hacked-my-iTunes-account), you'll get my unedited and, I cannot stress this enough, UNCENSORED view of it. If you're easy offended, then obey the abbreviation and Stay The Fuck Away.

I think that's it. Sit back, ignore the (hopefully not so) jarring page layout tweaks, and enjoy.